Pipeline Parallelism

Model Specification

class deepspeed.pipe.PipelineModule(layers, num_stages=None, topology=None, loss_fn=None, seed_layers=False, seed_fn=None, base_seed=1234, partition_method='parameters', activation_checkpoint_interval=0, activation_checkpoint_func=<function checkpoint>)[source]

Modules to be parallelized with pipeline parallelism.

The key constraint that enables pipeline parallelism is the representation of the forward pass as a sequence of layers and the enforcement of a simple interface between them. The forward pass is implicitly defined by the module layers. The key assumption is that the output of each layer can be directly fed as input to the next, like a torch.nn.Sequence. The forward pass is implicitly:

def forward(self, inputs):
    x = inputs
    for layer in self.layers:
        x = layer(x)
    return x
  • layers (Iterable) – A sequence of layers defining pipeline structure. Can be a torch.nn.Sequential module.
  • num_stages (int, optional) – The degree of pipeline parallelism. If not specified, topology must be provided.
  • topology (deepseed.pipe.ProcessTopology, optional) – Defines the axes of parallelism axes for training. Must be provided if num_stages is None.
  • loss_fn (callable, optional) – Loss is computed loss = loss_fn(outputs, label)
  • base_seed (int, optional) – [description]. Defaults to 1234.
  • partition_method (str, optional) – [description]. Defaults to ‘parameters’.
  • activation_checkpoint_interval (int, optional) – The granularity activation checkpointing in terms of number of layers. 0 disables activation checkpointing.
  • activation_checkpoint_func (callable, optional) – The function to use for activation checkpointing. Defaults to deepspeed.checkpointing.checkpoint.

All reduce the gradients of the tied weights between tied stages


ProcessTopology object to query process mappings.

ckpt_prefix(checkpoints_path, tag)[source]

Build a prefix for all checkpoint files written by this module.

ckpt_layer_path(ckpt_dir, local_layer_idx)[source]

Customize a prefix for a specific pipeline module layer.

class deepspeed.pipe.LayerSpec(typename, *module_args, **module_kwargs)[source]

Building block for specifying pipeline-parallel modules.

LayerSpec stores the type information and parameters for each stage in a PipelineModule. For example:

    torch.nn.Linear(self.in_dim, self.hidden_dim, bias=False),
    torch.nn.Linear(self.hidden_hidden, self.out_dim)


layer_specs = [
    LayerSpec(torch.nn.Linear, self.in_dim, self.hidden_dim, bias=False),
    LayerSpec(torch.nn.Linear, self.hidden_hidden, self.out_dim)]

Build the stored specification.

class deepspeed.pipe.TiedLayerSpec(key, typename, *module_args, forward_fn=None, tied_weight_attr='weight', **module_kwargs)[source]


class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.engine.PipelineEngine(*super_args, **super_kwargs)[source]

A training engine hybrid pipeline, data, and model parallel training.

This engine is created by deepspeed.initialize() when a PipelineModule is provided.


Progress the pipeline to train the next batch of data. The engine will ingest self.train_batch_size() total samples collectively across all workers.

An iterator that over training data should be provided as an argument unless deepspeed.initialize() was provided a training set. In that event, the training data will automatically be read.


A total of self.gradient_accumulation_steps() entries will be pulled from data_iter by each pipeline. There must be sufficient data left in data_iter or else a StopIteration will halt training.

DeepSpeed provides a convenience class deepspeed.utils.RepeatingLoader that wraps data loaders to automatically restart upon a StopIteration.

Parameters:data_iter (Iterator, optional) – Iterator of training data.
Returns:The arithmetic mean of the losses computed this batch.

Evaluate the pipeline on a batch of data from data_iter. The engine will evaluate self.train_batch_size() total samples collectively across all workers.

This method is equivalent to:

with torch.no_grad():
    output = module(batch)


A total of self.gradient_accumulation_steps() entries will be pulled from data_iter by each pipeline. There must be sufficient data left in data_iter or else a StopIteration will halt training.

DeepSpeed provides a convenience class deepspeed.utils.RepeatingLoader that wraps data loaders to automatically restart upon a StopIteration.

Parameters:data_iter (Iterator) – Iterator of data to evaluate.
Returns:The arithmetic mean of the losses computed this batch.

True if this process is in the first stage in the pipeline.


True if this process is in the last stage in the pipeline.


Store an iterator to sample for training data.


True if the engine is executing a gradient reduction or optimizer step instruction.

This is overridden from DeepSpeedEngine to force reductions and steps when the pipeline engine is instructed to do so.

Returns:whether reductions and optimizer steps should occur.
Return type:bool
forward(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Disabled for pipeline parallel training. See train_batch().

backward(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Disabled for pipeline parallel training. See train_batch().

step(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Disabled for pipeline parallel training. See train_batch().


Override hack to save a pipe model and return the directory path of the save.

This method should only be called by DeepSpeed’s save_checkpoint(). The recommended way of saving a PipelineModule outside of save_checkpoint() is save_state_dict().

load_module_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True)[source]

Override hack to instead use a directory path.

This is important because pipeline models checkpoint by layer instead of rank.

If state_dict is not None or a str, we revert to super() expecting a dict.

  • state_dict (str, None) – unused
  • strict (bool, optional) – Strict state loading. Defaults to True.

Execute a post-processing function on input data.

Parameters:fn (function) – The function to run.

Extending Pipeline Parallelism

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.PipeSchedule(micro_batches, stages, stage_id)[source]

Directs the execution of a pipeline engine by generating sequences of PipeInstruction.

Schedules are generators that yield sequences of PipeInstruction to process the micro-batches in one batch. Each yielded step is atomic in the sense that a barrier synchronization can be placed between successive steps without deadlock.

Below is an example schedule that implements data parallelism with gradient accumulation:

class DataParallelSchedule(PipeSchedule):
    def steps(self):
        for step_id in range(self.micro_batches):
            cmds = [
            if step_id == self.micro_batches - 1:
            yield cmds

    def num_pipe_buffers(self):
        return 1
  • micro_batches (int) – The number of micro-batches that comprise a batch.
  • stages (int) – The number of pipeline stages.
  • stage_id (int) – The pipe stage that will execute the generated schedule.

Yield a list of PipeInstruction for each step in the schedule.


Schedules must implement steps() to define the schedule.

Returns:Instructions to be executed as one step of the pipeline

The number of pipeline buffers that will be used by this stage.


Schedules should specialize num_pipe_buffers() for memory savings at scale.

Returns:The number of buffers for the engine to allocate.

Stage index used to configure this schedule.


The number of total pipeline stages used to configure this schedule.


The number of total micro_batches used to configure this schedule.


True if the configured stage_id is the first stage in the pipeline.


True if the configured stage_id is the last stage in the pipeline.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.InferenceSchedule(micro_batches, stages, stage_id)[source]

A schedule for inferencing batches using pipeline parallelism.


Only two pipeline buffers are required for inferencing.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.TrainSchedule(micro_batches, stages, stage_id)[source]

A schedule for training a batch using hybrid parallelism.

Pipeline parallelism is extracted through gradient accumulation and thus convergence follows that of a data parallel approach with the same batch size.


As many buffers as the distance from this stage to the last stage.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.DataParallelSchedule(micro_batches, stages, stage_id)[source]

An example schedule that trains using traditional data parallelism with gradient accumulation.


Only one pipeline buffer needed.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.PipeInstruction(**kwargs)[source]

Base class for all instructions to be executed by the pipeline engine.

All keyword arguments are stored as members similar to a namedtuple. These are then accessible to the PipeEngine during execution.

Parameters:kwargs (optional) – keyword arguments to store as members
class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.OptimizerStep(**kwargs)[source]

Performs one step with the optimizer and zeros gradients.


Should be issued after ReduceGrads and ReduceTiedGrads.


Can be a synchronization point among data-parallel ranks.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.ReduceGrads(**kwargs)[source]

Reduce the computed gradients among data-parallel processes within the stage.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.ReduceTiedGrads(**kwargs)[source]

Reduce the computed gradients of tied modules within a pipeline-parallel group.


The stages included in this synchronization point are not known until the model is partitioned among pipeline stages. In the worst case, it includes all pipeline stages. This instruction should be scheduled carefully to avoid deadlocks.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.BufferOpInstruction(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

A pipeline instruction that operates on pipeline buffer(s).

Parameters:buffer_id (int) – the index of the pipeline buffer() to modify.
class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.LoadMicroBatch(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

Load a micro-batch into a buffer.


buffers['inputs'][buffer_id] = next(data_iter)
class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.ForwardPass(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

Compute a forward pass.


buffers['ouputs'][buffer_id] = forward(buffers['inputs'][buffer_id])
class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.BackwardPass(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

Compute a backward pass and accumulate gradients.


outputs = buffers['ouputs'][buffer_id]
gradients = buffers['gradients'][buffer_id]
class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.SendActivation(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

Send activations to the next stage in the pipeline.




The communication is blocking and must be paired with a RecvActivation on the next pipeline stage to avoid deadlock.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.RecvActivation(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

Receive activations from the previous stage in the pipeline.


buffers['inputs'][buffer_id] = recv()


The communication is blocking and must be paired with a SendActivation on the previous pipeline stage to avoid deadlock.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.SendGrad(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

Send computed gradients to the previous pipeline stage. with respect to the received activations


Only received tensors with requires_grad==True will produce gradients. Missing gradients will be replaced with None on the receiving stage.


The communication is blocking and must be paired with a RecvGrad on the previous pipeline stage to avoid deadlock.

class deepspeed.runtime.pipe.schedule.RecvGrad(buffer_id, **kwargs)[source]

Receive computed gradients the next pipeline stage.


Only activations with requires_grad==True will produce gradients. Missing gradients will be replaced with None.


The communication is blocking and must be paired with a SendGrad on the next pipeline stage to avoid deadlock.